PBU Athletics

I’ve mentioned Philadelphia Biblical University here and here before. I work often with their marketing team to capture campus life, classrooms, student profiles, events, etc… Here are images from a few sporting events I was happy to shoot.

The men’s basketball team won this game in overtime!

I happened to catch this when I stopped by the NCCAA women’s tournament game. Would have loved to get more shots; the team has a lot of heart.

Women’s soccer. This was a grueling game! Aren’t they all?

Men’s volleyball. They’re good! And were ranked 4th nationally this year.

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Elaine After watching umpteen hundred soccer games, you did a good job capturing the intensity of the game, not easy to do.

Lori Thanks, E! It was intense — not grueling for me, of course, but for the players. Every yard is so hard-earned.

Carri LOVE LOVE the serving shot! I am waiting for him to smack the ball!! Great action Lor.

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