Category Archives: personal

A Little Altitude Is Good

I can think of few things more exasperating than a massive, well-timed hard drive failure.  It’s been two weeks since I had fried “Apple” for Saturday breakfast.  Things are still not back to normal, but should be very soon.

I wish I could be on the beach with no worries during this forced time-out.  Still, it’s allowing me to organize, plan our summer, and enjoy the little things.  I even rearranged some furniture!  I have one week left, then I’ll have quite a flurry of catch-up — then I’m back in business.  Hopefully, with more frequent posts!


I took this last year.  I’d been keeping my eye out for a fun shot of this beautiful ferris wheel.  There we were, high up in the cable cars, just past sunset…


Alan had been ready to give this kid a haircut for a while, but I had a hard time saying goodbye to the original.  You know, that jagged look of newborn hair?  It’s too cute.  You can’t get that back.

I know,  I can’t stop the tide.  Here’s the only way I could keep it …


Happy Progress

The kids played ball until dark yesterday. Alan and I joined them for an inning or two. Here’s my baby on his way to join the fun, which is a big deal to him. I’m sure he thinks he’s capable enough and why shouldn’t he join? He’s been patiently waiting for his chance to be on the big boy team.  I didn’t get pictures of him running around the bases, underfoot, with a bat AND ball in hand… happy as a clam!

little man

I took this last year.  Progress, indeed!


Memorable Dinner

We love our summer nights on the porch.  This Memorial Day we brought out the paper lanterns and enjoyed perfectly grilled steak with all the fixins. We had a very nice evening. Flannery did NOT.

She and Mr. Flannery had put up with me showing them off, shooting pictures. I showed their babies to my kids.  They seemed fine with it all.  But I’d crossed the line with this racket. To say nothing of the smoke. So (and I’m still mad at her for this) she abandoned her babies!  She never came back that night for them! It was my fault for assuming she’d be ok with us. But she left her little hungry babies!? What is wrong with her?! I felt terrible.

Happily, in the early hours of the morning, I finally saw them flitting around the dogwood again.  They were back to feeding the tiny, gaping beaks.  I didn’t speak to her for at least a day — other than to tell her coldly that I was sorry about the dinner party.

We’re friends again and I don’t think I’ll light up the porch again until the babies fledge!




Winter Run

Much like taking a picture of music, trying to show how freezing cold it was here is useless.  Let me just say that the kids were troopers and that we had so much fun on our little icy adventure.  We had the park all to ourselves.  Yes, even the geese had the good sense to get somewhere warmer.  It was just what the doctor ordered to combat our rising cabin fever.  Afterwards, of course, hot chocolate was in order!


me... cold

Alan took this one of me just as we left.



winter grass