Category Archives: personal


We stopped for the last few minutes of a glorious sunset…



the brothers


Alan and I are thrilled to be planning a short getaway soon! Last year we celebrated our 10-year anniversary and discovered how nice it is to visit another world, a very still one.

Here are some shots from last Fall. This year’s trip will be very different…


The sheep drawing on the bottom left was from the guestbook in our cottage.getaway2

Great Weekend

I’ve had a wonderfully productive, then restful weekend. On Saturday, I organized, purged and scoured almost every storage cupboard and bookshelf in the house. Spiffy. Then, Sunday, our church held morning service outside under the trees. We listened to our able pastor preach on the Psalms; the cicadas chirped. This was very unusual for us, but in a great way. It was all very refreshing. Later, I took a two-hour nap — just what I needed.

I’m ready for you, Monday!

Here’s Luke on the playground at dusk.

to monday

Speaking of Ball…

Alan’s glove from when he was a boy.  The acorns definitely don’t fall far from the tree.

alan's glove

First Baseball Game

Finally! My Uttley-Ibanez-Howard-Rowand fans got to see a Phillies game in person — with their cousin– which amped up the excitement even more. They’ve been huge fans for three seasons now so it was really about time. We waited until the Giants were in town so the boys could see Aaron Rowand, who is no longer on our team. It was so much fun I don’t think they cared that the Phillies lost. Cotton candy, pretzels, yards from Ibanez and a new phillies cap on each head — they left full-hearted.

walking in







favorite shirt